The Heart of God is the Nations! The Bible says Go into all the world and make disciples of all Nations and people groups. Matt 28:19. This is called the Great Commission!
Praise Church has been actively involved in this Great Commission over the years. We support over 15 missionary families and send teams to teach, preach the gospel and feed the hungry.
Pastor Sonny Wahl has been to over 50 Nations in 25 years preachng God’s Word, building feeding centers, holding revivals and planting churches and Bible Schools. Pastor Sonny is available for overseas conferences, revivals and outreaches. Please contact us to schedule a meeting. See Articles by Pastor Sonny to better understand World Missions.
We encourage you to pray and consider supporting these missionary families as they give their lives to make the love of Jesus known in the remote parts of the earth and the 10/40 window. If you would like to give, you can send checks to our contact address and designate where funds are to be sent. We will make sure 100% of the monies get there and you will receive a year end contribution statement for tax deductions.